Saskatoon Berries The New Superfood


All you need to know about Saskatoon – the delicious new superfood berry – is in The Telegraph this month.

Its full name is Amelanchier alnifolia. But this popular plant has many other names including the Pacific Serviceberry, the Western Serviceberry, Alder-Leaf Shadbush, Dwarf Shadbush or western Juneberry.

Packed with antioxidants, they’re considered a superfood and you can grow them in your garden. See below for some of the benefits of Saskatoons:

Over six times the amount of calcium and twice the manganese of blueberries.

More protein, fat, fibre, and iron than blueberries.

A 100 gm serving has 22 percent of your daily requirement for iron.

Contains natural sugars or smart carbs, so you don’t deal with the dangers of white sugar.

We have five varieties of Saskatoon that we will be supplying to garden centres all over the UK this autumn, they come as small bushes and do not get more than a metre or two tall. They can even be grown in pots. What’s not to love?

To find out more about the individual varieties click here.

For the full article click here